Bell tower iron-work: Templar's church Aracena
Templar's church Aracena
Adrian, Ali and Hilary walk the walls of Aracena castle
Lovely light at Almonaster la Rea
Lovely aparition Almonaster mosque tower
Almonaster la Real from the mosque
Misty hills from Almonaster la Real hill
Almonaster la Real church / mosque (moon rising)
Almonaster la Real church / mosque
Taking a breather in the late afternoon
Old wall at Almonaster
Pine on walk to Alájar
And Adrian
Back at Castaño del Robledo Adrian and Suzette
Cool courtyard in Zafra
Zafra in the bright light
In the Roman Theatre at Mérida
Theatre backdrop
That's Marie in the stalls
Cathedral Seville
Roofline in Reales Alcázares Seville
Dome inside, Reales Alcázares
Morrish tiling Reales Alcázares
More tilework
More roof-line
Moorish decor Reales Alcázares
Widow onto the gardens Reales Alcázares
Bamboo spears
Orange in the Reales Alcázares gardens
Reales Alcázares garden fountain
Cypress detail
What are these?
From the cathedral tower
Cathedral tower bell
Tower at night in odd light
Cork oak
A light moment on the road to Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto mine
More mine
Mine digger winding gear
Digger arm detail
Digger track